Shiru Shabbat 2023/2024 (2 of 3)

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Friday, January 26, 2024,
5:45 pm - 7:15 pm

East Midwood Jewish Center

Shiru Shabbat
Fridays January 26, March 15

$18 adult
$10 ages 12 & under

Shiru Shabbat lets all of us come together to celebrate, sing, eat, pray — maybe even dance!

Come at 6 pm for a drink and mingle L’Chaim. Rabbi Sam will then lead a Kabbalat Shabbat service full of singing and ruach (spirit). We’ll eat and then sing some more.

To keep things affordable, we’ll serve a light vegetarian buffet dinner with appealing kid and adult selections. To supplement, please bring a kosher contribution for our bar or dessert table.

Each event is $18 ($10 for kids under 12).

Register on ShulCloud.  If you’re able to help with set-up, serving or clean-up, please contact Shira Stone

Click here to order tickets.