A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 6.12.2020

Somehow, it’s the middle of June. There has been much to keep our minds occupied lately. We are especially grateful to be reminded that there are things to celebrate, that life is full of small joys. Tomorrow, Eve Becker will courageously stand up in front of her community, on Zoom, and read from the Torah. Eve and Zachary Olveira and Sam Gusel have all been Covid-era B Mitzvah pioneers, doing elegant work under difficult circumstances. We wish Eve, her parents Jon and Sophie, and her brother Zev a heart-felt mazal tov.

I hope you’ll join us this Shabbat at 9:15 am

With blessings for a Shabbat Shalom u’Mevorach, a peaceful and blessing-filled Shabbat,

Rabbi Sam Levine